Contact Us

General Inquiries should be sent to tososmc@seuilc.pycrcitu.dieneku.

Questions relating to individual ensembles should be sent to the ensemble managers, email addresses are listed on the ensembles page.

President Helene Maurice-Jones tnscipelioesce.tusuik.@cocyrdmu
Treasurer Benson Zhou tamuyotorerrciuscucs.isk@e.ceul
Vice-President Hamish Rogers i.ulci.spuuksoocvcy@mtce
Social Secretaries Dea Pershkepia, Miriam Hetherington lisusoae.@tolcocciyc.imuscku
Opera Producers Max Guida oce@ouurkpc.redcpu.ora
IT Officer Krishna Sudhan usolu.t@cceiitmoycisuk.c
Volunteering officer Serin Baek ieuulccrcs.ensgvok@uouytcl.mintoie

Postal Address:
UCL Music Society
c/o CSC Reception
Student's Union UCL
25 Gordon Street